Limbic x CMHCs & CCBHCs

Deliver therapy on your terms, with the most trusted clinical AI in mental healthcare.

improve access

boost recovery

release clinical time

improve access

AI superpowers for mental healthcare providers

Limbic amplifies NHS
Talking Therapies


increase in referrals

Increase access

Increase access

The Limbic Access chatbot can sit on any page on your website, 24/7, making it easier for patients to access mental health services, even after hours.

The Limbic Access chatbot can sit on any page on your website, 24/7, making it easier for patients to access mental health services, even after hours.


reduction in changes to treatment pathway

Getting the right patient, to the right person, at the right time.

Getting the right patient, to the right person, at the right time.

With Limbic Access, services saw fewer pathway adjustments, showing better accuracy in assessments.

With Limbic Access, services saw fewer pathway adjustments, showing better accuracy in assessments.


less likely to drop out

Making every appointment count.

Making every appointment count.

Ensure your team’s time is not wasted. Patients assessed via Limbic Access are less likely to later drop out of treatment.

Ensure your team’s time is not wasted. Patients assessed via Limbic Access are less likely to later drop out of treatment.

I complete most assessments in 30 minutes instead of 45 minutes. Limbic means I can focus on how best to support the client without worrying too much about missed information. [...] It is a richer discussion with the patient around goals and next steps, rather than feeling rushed.

- Adam Ottley-Porter - Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner

I complete most assessments in 30 minutes instead of 45 minutes. Limbic means I can focus on how best to support the client without worrying too much about missed information. [...] It is a richer discussion with the patient around goals and next steps, rather than feeling rushed.

- Adam Ottley-Porter - Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner

Release clinical Time

Start with more effective assessments

Start with more effective assessments

Clinically validated mental health screening means staff can deliver high-quality assessments in a fraction of the time—all while billing the same amounts.


reduction in average assessment time


improvement in recovery rates

“It's been good to be able to take my time over answers and not feel under pressure to answer quickly.”

- Patient

“It's been good to be able to take my time over answers and not feel under pressure to answer quickly.”

- Patient

“It’s taken me years to ask for help, so that’s how you have helped me ...sometimes it’s easier to talk to a robot!”

- Patient

Supporting better outcomes.

Supporting better outcomes.

In a study analyzing 60,000 patients across 14 months and 20 NHS

mental health clinics in the UK, Limbic Access was associated with substantially better patient outcomes.

In a study analyzing 60,000 patients across 14 months and 20 NHS

mental health clinics in the UK, Limbic Access was associated with substantially better patient outcomes.

  • The Limbic chatbot has helped increase capacity and had a positive impact on improving staff wellbeing and retention, which is important in the context of national recruitment issues.

    Dr Gisela Unsworth - Clinical Services Manager, Surrey and Borders Partnership Trust

  • The service has seen a reduction in incomplete referrals due to Limbic keeping patients engaged in conversation.


  • Limbic means I can focus on how best to support the client without worrying too much about missed information.


So you can spend time doing what matters

So you can spend time doing
what matters

So you can spend time doing what matters

Limbic means faster time to recovery, improved patient engagement, and higher satisfaction for both providers and patients—outcomes backed by both peer-reviewed research and more than 300,000 patient assessments.

Real world evidence,
case studies

Real world evidence,
case studies


Improving Diversity of Self-Referrals

This free guide has practical tips on how services like yours can connect with and engage their communities.

Limbic Access

Limbic Access becomes first in world to gain Class IIa UKCA medical device status

Our landmark achievement guranteeing the safety of our products.

Case Study

Greater Manchester Resilience Hub: Supporting Staff with AI Technology

Supporting our colleagues so they can support our communities.