
Limbic x NHS Talking Therapies

Limbic amplifies
NHS Talking Therapies

Limbic amplifies
NHS Talking Therapies

Do more with every session

Early evidence shows that patients using Limbic Care are more likely to attend sessions, meaning your team can make more impact in every group therapy session.

Premium UX Template for Framer
Premium UX Template for Framer

Improving outcomes

Evidence suggests that patients who use Limbic Care to support their treatment between sessions have better outcomes.

Achieve recovery, sooner

Limbic Care has been associated with a reduction in resources required to deliver recovery.

Here's what patients
say about Limbic

Here's what patients
say about Limbic

'Limbic means I can focus on how best to support the client without worrying too much about missed information... It is a richer discussion with the patient around goals and next steps, rather than feeling rushed.'

Adam Ottley-Porter, Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner at Mind Matters

'Limbic means I can focus on how best to support the client without worrying too much about missed information... It is a richer discussion with the patient around goals and next steps, rather than feeling rushed.'

Adam Ottley-Porter, Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner at Mind Matters

Trusted by more than 33%
of Talking Therapies

Trusted by more than 33%
of Talking Therapies

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Practical tips and takeaways

Real examples from NHS Talking Therapies

Clearly referenced for further reading